Jennifer Marlon's headshot

Jennifer Marlon

Executive Director

Dr. Jennifer Marlon is the Executive Director of the Yale Center for Geospatial Solutions and a Senior Research Scientist at the Yale School of the Environment. She has a secondary appointment as Lecturer in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale. She obtained her Ph.D. and M.S. in Geography from the University of Oregon, where she studied climate change and wildfires. Previously, Dr. Marlon served as the Director of Data Science at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, leading research on risk communication about extreme weather and developing interactive maps and visualizations to support science communication and engagement – examples include the Yale Climate Opinion Maps and Climate Opinion FactsheetsSix Americas Super Short Survey (SASSY), Heatwave Risk Perception maps, and the Climate Change Opinion Explorer. She has authored over 80 peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Science, Nature Climate Change, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and is often cited by major media and news outlets.

Contact Info

Office Address
21 Sachem St, ESC 119A
New Haven, CT 06511